We just had a family reunion and during lunch, my 5-year-old was in charge of getting his own plate.  This is exactly what he picked.  AND let me tell you, there was a large variety of food.  So he picks 1 carrot, a half of a strawberry, 1 chocolate chip bar, and a glob of whipped cream.  A perfectly balanced meal!

At least he ate everything he took! 

Viking Cafe

This entire group ate breakfast for around 40 BIG ONES!!

When we are home in MN, we always have to eat at the Viking Cafe. It really is like no other cafe around. My parents will take us out for breakfast and there is usually around 14 of us.  We can order what ever we want.  The bill is around  $40.00. No price gouching here folks. I think you can get a pancake for 1.75, a piece of toast for 75 cents,….I kid you not.  Check out Evidence A on the bottom for proof! 

Dynamic Duo - Marge and Michael

The two people who run the joint are Marge and her son Michael. Super friendly and nice AND terrific cooks.  They even let my daughter and niece waitress on a couple of Fridays that we were there – they loved it!  On Fridays, they have potato dumplings and usually get 150 coming in for lunch.  For those of you who might not think that sounds like a lot, Viking’s total population is 142!! 

My niece taking orders!

It not only is a cafe but you can also shop for antiques too. My mom is getting quite a collection!

I highly recommend stopping for a bite at the Viking Cafe if you are ever in the area. Just like one of the sweatshirts they sell says, “Take a LIKING to VIKING.”

Evidence A - My proof

Elvis and Mexican Food

We found a super great Mexican restaurant when my dad was visiting.   It is called the Azteca Mexican Restuarant and it is totally worth a stop.   Great mexican food!  And HOLY ELVIS BATMAN!!!  There are so many items of Elvis in this restaurant that it kind of made me dizzy.  Everything you could think of was there.  Go ahead and try to come up with something they didn’t have – aaaannnnnd —they had it.  My personal favorites were the Elvis Lamp and Elvis Pinball Machine.    If you are ever in the area, definitely buzz in for a bite to eat and a look around. 

Just hanging with The King

When I saw this picture of my “fantastic” Elvis impression, I told my daughter that it was “Spot On” and she replied, “No, mom.  It is more like Mor- On.”   

Disclaimer – No one asked or paid me to write this article.  I am doing it only because of the pure “awesomeness” of the place!!